
There is wildlife in the area including moose and bear but the one that is most often seen are deer.  They're timid but do seem to enjoy posing for the camera as long as we don't get too close. 
Deer watching from a cool shady area
One deer lay in the shade of the trees on a big rock on one island watching us go by in the boat. 

Ducklings on Bridge Lake
Mother Duck and her ducklings were hard to get a picture of between their diving into the water for food, but fun to watch as they popped up and down in the setting sun.

Loon with her young
The loons sing their songs all around the lake area and are a pleasure to hear.  This Mother Loon was sure to keep her baby close by as we kept our boat at a safe distance.

Gull Island on Bridge Lake
Gull island is the most unusual of the islands on Bridge Lake.  All stone and used by the gull as their home base and have their young.  We did see one nest still sitting on the rocks, but most of the young had learned to fly at the time of our visit, although had not yet changed to the color of a mature bird.

See more of the lakeside property for sale by clicking here.